Hello. I managed to compile the loen3 processor for the nexys4-ddr board and successfully put it on the board., But when I try to connect with grmon, it warns me to switch to pro version( I have grmon-eval-3.2). But grmon-eval-2.0.x versions have support for this card. Do you have this version? Or have a solution suggestion?
I could use grmon-eval-3.2.15 with leon3 SoC and nexys4-ddr, but I have not test with grmon-eval-3.2.17 (the current one). I am out of my office. I will check on September ( I am on holidays now)
GRMON Eval only supports designs using cores from GRLIB GPL and custom cores using the GRLIB vendor id VENDOR_CONTRIB.
I downloaded the latest versions for grmon and grlib and was able to run it this time. After compiling, the “leonon3.bit” file was created. So I thought there was no error in compiling. But grlib and grmon were not in the same versions. Maybe there was an error caused by different usage.
Thank you