Can RGMII IP be used for Xilinx UltraScale technology?

Hi, has anyone used the RGMII IP to adapt GMII/RGMII?

In GRLIB, the ‘RGMII’ uses IDDR and ODDR primitives, but it seems that the ‘unisim_oddd_reg’ entity does not have support for Xilinx UltraScale technology.

How should I handle this, or are there any other solutions that support RGMII for GRETH ?

I made a small tech patch, now, it is working.

--- grlib-gpl-2024.4-b4295\lib\techmap\unisim\ddr_unisim.vhd.bak      2024-12-23 20:57:56.661136800 +0800
+++ grlib-gpl-2024.4-b4295\lib\techmap\unisim\ddr_unisim.vhd  2025-02-01 00:23:27.915784200 +0800
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@

     KU : if (tech = kintexu) or (tech = virtexup) generate
-           U0 : IDDRE1 generic map( IS_CB_INVERTED => '1')
+           U0 : IDDRE1 generic map( IS_CB_INVERTED => '0')
                    Port map(Q1 => Q1, Q2 => Q2, C => C1, CB => C1, D => D, R => R);
     end generate;

@@ -328,6 +328,22 @@
 architecture rtl of unisim_oddr_reg is
   attribute BOX_TYPE : string;

+  component ODDRE1
+  generic (
+    IS_C_INVERTED  : bit    := '0';  -- Optional inversion for C
+    IS_D1_INVERTED : bit    := '0';  -- Unsupported, do not use
+    IS_D2_INVERTED : bit    := '0';  -- Unsupported, do not use
+    SIM_DEVICE : string := "ULTRASCALE_PLUS"; -- Set the device version for simulation functionality (ULTRASCALE,
+                                     -- ULTRASCALE_PLUS, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES1, ULTRASCALE_PLUS_ES2)
+    SRVAL : bit    := '0');          -- Initializes the ODDRE1 Flip-Flops to the specified value ('0', '1')
+  port (
+    Q  : out std_logic;
+    C  : in  std_logic;
+    D1 : in  std_logic;
+    D2 : in  std_logic;
+    SR : in  std_logic);
+  end component;
+  attribute BOX_TYPE of ODDRE1 : component is "PRIMITIVE";

   component ODDR
@@ -391,6 +407,11 @@


+  KU : if (tech = kintexu) or (tech = virtexup) generate
+    U0 : ODDRE1 generic map(SRVAL => '0', IS_C_INVERTED  => '0', IS_D1_INVERTED => '0', IS_D2_INVERTED => '0', SIM_DEVICE => "ULTRASCALE_PLUS")
+    port map(Q => Q, C => C1, D1 => D1, D2 => D2, SR => R);
+  end generate;
   V7 : if (tech = virtex7) or (tech = kintex7) or (tech = artix7) generate
      U0 : ODDR generic map( DDR_CLK_EDGE => "SAME_EDGE")
        port map(