Error on GRMON failing to initialize

I am implementing a ColdFireV1 IP core with the Gaisler GPL library components. When I run grmon in windows, I see this message for my AHBUART connected on COM9. Sometimes . What does this mean? Sometimes it says AMBA plug&play not found and sometimes it says UART initialization failure depending on the baud rate I put or none at all.

C:\Users\ssheikh\Desktop\LEMS\grmon-eval-64-\grmon-eval-3.2.8\windows\bin64>grmon.exe -uart COM9

GRMON debug monitor v3.2.8.2 64-bit eval version

Copyright © 2020 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
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This eval version will expire on 22/04/2021

ERROR! AMBA plug&play not found!
Failed to initialize target!

C:\Users\ssheikh\Desktop\LEMS\grmon-eval-64-\grmon-eval-3.2.8\windows\bin64>grmon.exe -uart COM9 -baud 57600

GRMON debug monitor v3.2.8.2 64-bit eval version

Copyright © 2020 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
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This eval version will expire on 22/04/2021

UART initialization failure, retrying
UART initialization failure, retrying
ERROR! AMBA plug&play not found!
Failed to initialize target!


The “UART initialization failure, retrying” means that GRMON is trying to initialize the baudrate in the target hardware. This sometimes failes, in particular after a power-up (or if you change baudrate). After it has been successfully initialized once, it usually works on the first attempt.

The “ERROR! AMBA plug&play not found!” usually means that you have an error in you design. It could also occur if you placed the Plug & Play information a non-default location (default is 0xFFF00000).

Have you verified that your design has no timing violations?
Have you simulated your design?

I have simulated and I have slowed it down to not violate any timing. The ColdFireV1 has a 24-bit address bus. So, how do I change the Plug & Play information to some other location? Maybe 00F00000?

I have a few cores (AHBUART, APBUART, AHBCTRL and SRCTRL) instantiated to simplify my design (removed the ColdFire V1 core) and got grmon to open but its not showing any devices, shouldn’t it? info sys gives nothing.

ssheikh@GSLWL2020070597:~/grmon-eval-3.2.11/linux/bin64$ ./grmon -uart /dev/ttyS9

GRMON debug monitor v3.2.11 64-bit eval version

Copyright © 2021 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
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This eval version will expire on 07/07/2021

using port /dev/ttyS9 @ 115200 baud
GRLIB build version: 4251
Detected frequency: N/A

Component Vendor

Use command ‘info sys’ to print a detailed report of attached cores

grmon3> quit

Exiting GRMON

I am not using any non GPL IP cores, but get this message. Is there any way to look at the serial stream to see what value is causing this message?

ssheikh@GSLWL2020070597:~/grmon-eval-3.2.11/linux/bin64$ ./grmon -uart /dev/ttyS9

GRMON debug monitor v3.2.11 64-bit eval version

Copyright © 2021 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
For latest updates, go to
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This eval version will expire on 07/07/2021

using port /dev/ttyS9 @ 115200 baud
ERROR! Bad AMBA Plug n’ Play values found!
ERROR! GRMON Evaluation version does not support this hardware design. If a design contains GRLIB IP cores that are not distributed under GPL license, then an upgrade to GRMON professional version is required. Please consult the GRLIB IP Core User’s Manual for details on IP core distribution.

I finally got it but have some address conflicts on the Simple SRAM controller with some overlap.

But its not a LEON3 SPARC V8 but a ColdFire V1 instantiated. I was told that you can’t give the name of the processor else the free version of GRMON won’t recognize it? Is that true, no custom IP can be seen with the free version of GRMON?

You can use vendor ID 0x09 for custom cores. They will show up as Unknown Device.

However, GRMON does not have any support for ColdFire V1 so commands like run/cont/step, and other debugging features like breakpoints etc, will not work.

Yes, I am aware of that. I think load also won’t work. I will use the BDM debugger for that on another port on the ColdFire V1 for debugging software but right now I just want to make sure all the IP is visible and all the memories are readable and writeable and timing is okay before even trying to test with ColdFire software programs. I simulated my design in Modelsim using the AHB Uart for all my custom IP and the memories before doing so with software files in Modelsim. I have an EEPROM, SRAM, MRAM and Flash on the design

But I do see all the registers on the GRIP IP (like the 2 UARTS, the Timers but for some strange reason I can’t modify any of the writeable registers on some of the IP like the Generic UART (not the debug UART). Here are screenshots of the info reg command and below it I am attempting to write to the control register and it seems I can’t change it and it is a writeable register. I am planning to connect a logic analyzer to all my addr/data/ctrl lines to see if its a timing issue or control signal issue.


I am facing the same problem, uart initialization failure, retrying( Gromon 3 doc states that …To connect to a target using the AHBUART debug link, the following example can be used: $ grmon -uart -u The -uart option uses the first UART of the host (ttyS0 or COM1) with a baud rate of 115200 baud by default.) and i tried to execute this command … and the result is in the attachment.

I am using GR718-BOARD, and I am entirely new to this environment. Can you share some videos or post how to select the debug link option to start CLI… How to play with this evaluation board… when I try to launch GUI as per the grmon3 document GUI is not launching IF you have any examples, can you share once.

I added a picture in the attachment of what’s happening when I execute the uart command on the windows command interface.

If you need any other information please let me know.

Best Regards
Jagan Mohan Sunku