Grmon3 altera JTAG debugging error

Hi all,

I’m trying to get my Altera DE2 2C35 FPGA working with LEON3.
I’ve used the default design from GRLIB (leon3-altera-de2-ep2c35) the .sof file flashed easily using JTAG.
Next I tried to debug the softcore with GRMON3 educational but I can’t get it to work.

I’m using Quartus 13.0sp1 on Pop OS 20.04 (Linux) with the grmon-eval-3.2.12 debugger.

~> grmon -altjtag

GRMON debug monitor v3.2.12 64-bit eval version

Copyright (C) 2021 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
For latest updates, go to
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This eval version will expire on 23/10/2021

JTAG chain (1): EP2C35
ERROR! AMBA plug&play not found!
Failed to initialize target!

My jtag runs fine when I try:

~> jtagconfig

  1. USB-Blaster [3-1.2]
    020B40DD EP2C35

I’ve also tried this on Windows 10 but I received a message that I should upgrade my grmon3 install to the Pro version.



The Altera Blaster JTAG is only supported by the 32-bit version, this is mentioned in the manual. And evaluation version is only available as 64-bit.

However it seems like you managed to connect on Windows, so it’s possible that the 64-bit works on that platform (I don’t remember if I have tested the 64-bit version using the Blaster JTAG on Windows, and I don’t have access to any system to test it at the moment).
The message that it requires a PRO version is bug that is related to this particular template design. I have made a new release of the GRMON evaluation version ( that fixes it.


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Hi Arvid,

Thank you so much! Works fine on Windows with the 12.1 patch.

.\grmon.exe -altjtag

GRMON debug monitor v3.2.12.1 64-bit eval version

Copyright (C) 2021 Cobham Gaisler - All rights reserved.
For latest updates, go to
Comments or bug-reports to

This eval version will expire on 20/11/2021

JTAG chain (1): EP2C35
Device ID: 0x302
GRLIB build version: 4265
Detected frequency: 50.0 MHz

Component Vendor
LEON3 SPARC V8 Processor Cobham Gaisler
AHB Debug UART Cobham Gaisler
JTAG Debug Link Cobham Gaisler
LEON2 Memory Controller European Space Agency
AHB/APB Bridge Cobham Gaisler
LEON3 Debug Support Unit Cobham Gaisler
PC133 SDRAM Controller Cobham Gaisler
Generic UART Cobham Gaisler
Multi-processor Interrupt Ctrl. Cobham Gaisler
Modular Timer Unit Cobham Gaisler
LCD Controller Cobham Gaisler
General Purpose I/O port Cobham Gaisler
General Purpose I/O port Cobham Gaisler
AHB Status Register Cobham Gaisler

Use command ‘info sys’ to print a detailed report of attached cores
